Liz Wolf Artist


The Horse Fetish Sculptures are similar in shape and form to ancient stone and clay fetishes that have been unearthed throughout the ages. There was no need to capture realism in the making of these pieces but instead to capture the magic that the animal possessed. When the  horse was introduced to man it changed his life forever. Man became one with the horse and could fly through the air and journey to new places, awakening new freedom and strength. This is the horsepower of the "Horse Fetish"


-Liz Wolf


The Horse Fetish pieces were made by Randy Walker, at Liz’s direction,with Raven Skyriver and Kelly O’Dell assisting, in the Pilchuck hot shop. Liz was present the entire time.  If you look closely at some of the photos of Horse Fetish at Pilchuck, you’ll see photos of other horse fetishes Liz made of clay and wax.