Patricia Warfield Coppock

Patricia Warfield
1967: Senior profile from Bisbila

Pat's quiet smile and good nature were ever-present. Competent in anything she undertakes, Pat served as Feature editor of the Bisbila and refreshments chairman for the Homecoming dance and Prom. These positions, along with many other chairmanships, earned her the position of tea coordinator. German club, GAA and a former UES'er.

1987: Bio from Twenty Year Reunion

Family: husband Atiba, son Khary, 15, daughters Akua, 13, Safiya, 9.

Usually found standing in front of groups of people training, teaching or in meetings. Free time is spent swimming, sewing, reading or with my family at art exhibits or community events.

What ever happened to Miss Eisenberg, Mr Berry and Frau Terp?